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So it's December 31st and I feel like I can't end this year without a little recollection of what my 2015 was all about, and what I want for 2016.

To say this year was a bit crazy would be quite an understatement, but I guess it was crazy in good ways and bad ways. What happened this year?

Well first of all I got through all of my college apps and got into Davis! That was pretty crazy. That also kind of supported the ending of a long relationship however, but it's alright, everything passes.

I reached the end (as of now) of my music career, but it was quite a peak so that's awesome. I'd like to think that maybe it wasn't the end because I might start playing again next year.

I graduated from JLHS! Thank god for that. Nah, it was good.

I completed my first half-marathon even though I almost died (jk) but I made it.

I got my first real paying job at Chipotle. It was actually really awesome working there because my coworkers were great, and it taught me a lot. I met people that maybe I shouldn't have met, but hey everything happens for a reason!

I lost a friend, as did so many others, but just like I've said, everything passes and his spirit will always be a part of this world.

I also dyed my hair! Nothing too dramatic but I'm very excited for it, because it's a balayage now and it'll eventually grow out to an ombre.

And probably the biggest change in my life, I moved away to Davis! I love it though and I can't imagine myself anywhere else. I joined a sorority there too, which seems a bit out of my element, but I adore all of my sisters, especially my perfect (little) big. I have so much love for her. I made entirely new friends in college, ones that I love just as much as my friends at home, and I finished my first quarter. And that is where I am now.

Like I said, 2015 has been crazy, but I suppose I could say that about every year in a sense. I feel very content with who I am personally, but I do know that I could still make improvements in myself. So here we go, my new year's resolutions of 2016:

1. Stop biting my nails!!! Literally I've been saying this since like 2007 but maybe I'll really do it this year.

2. Stop judging people so much. I'm probably one of the most judgemental people I know, even if I don't really portray myself that way. I think I have to work on accepting people for who they are, and accepting that things that make them happy may not be the same as things that make me happy, but it's still happiness.

3. Have better focus. I've always done well in school because I'm quite a perfectionist, but it causes a lot of stress for me to spend 6 hours straight studying for a midterm when I could have just had more focus overall. I need to learn to focus more in my classes and keep up with my assignments so I don't end up stressing as much.

4. Stop caring as much about what people think of me. I've been a lot better with this over the past year or so because I've realized that what people think of me won't change who I am, but I could still use some work in not being so self-conscious in public settings.

5. Take more risks. I'm a very simple person who tends to wear simple things and do simple things, but I'd like to be more comfortable doing things out of my element.

6. Start learning more makeup things. I'm totally cool with going out with a plain face, but I'd like to be able to go all out for formals and stuff.

7. Do more for other people. Even if it's just commenting on their instagram picture how nice they look or smiling at someone on the street, being nice to others never hurts.

8. Think about my decisions more and act with my mind instead of my heart. This is honestly going to be really difficult because I am all heart and feelings and when I feel for something or someone I go all out. However I need to work on separting listening to my feelings from making rational decisions. If someone hurts me, I can't be nice to them just because that's the "kind of person I am," I need to stand up for myself. Yeah that will take a lot of effort.

9. Listen to more music. Literally my entire 2015 Spotify summary was Gambino I was like wow I hate myself. Ok not really, but I do want to branch out more with what I listen to. I really want to listen to more Kendrick and Logic, as well as Drake and J. Cole. I'm pretty basic.

10. Go to a lit concert, or anything!! I think I'm going to the Chainsmokers so that should be awesome, but if not that, anything else.

11. I've been pretty good about going to the gym this year which I'm pretty happy about, but more gyming is never bad! I wanna be able to easily run 7-8 miles. Right now I'm at like 4-5.

I have so much more I could say but that would just take way too long. I guess I'll end this post with some memories from 2015. It was good.

xoxo, Leah

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